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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:51, 17 July 2013Family photos 01.jpg (file)59 KBAltun 1
16:50, 17 July 2013Family photos 02.jpg (file)89 KBAltun 1
16:50, 17 July 2013Family photos 03.jpg (file)62 KBAltun 1
16:50, 17 July 2013Family photos 04.jpg (file)95 KBAltun 1
16:49, 17 July 2013Family photos 05.jpg (file)67 KBAltun 1
16:49, 17 July 2013Family photos 06.jpg (file)40 KBAltun 1
16:49, 17 July 2013Family photos 07.jpg (file)66 KBAltun 1
16:48, 17 July 2013Family photos 08.jpg (file)37 KBAltun 1
16:48, 17 July 2013Family photos 09.jpg (file)70 KBAltun 1
16:48, 17 July 2013Family photos 10.jpg (file)52 KBAltun 1
16:47, 17 July 2013Family photos 11.jpg (file)75 KBAltun 1
16:47, 17 July 2013Family photos 12.jpg (file)51 KBAltun 1
16:47, 17 July 2013Family photos 13.jpg (file)25 KBAltun 1
13:19, 8 May 2013Ehb262-2013-spring-qz-02.pdf (file)232 KBAltun 1
13:18, 8 May 2013Ehb262-2013-spring-hw-05.pdf (file)265 KBAltun 1
12:25, 30 April 2013Ehb262-2013-spring-midterm-02.pdf (file)294 KBAltun 1
22:55, 16 April 2013Ehb262-2013-spring-bonus.pdf (file)241 KBAltun 1
22:13, 16 April 2013Ehb262-2013-spring-hw-04.pdf (file)263 KBAltun 1
18:09, 2 April 2013Ehb262-2013-spring-hw-03.pdf (file)408 KBAltun 1
13:12, 26 March 2013Ehb262-2013-spring-midterm-01.pdf (file)265 KBAltun 1
18:26, 12 March 2013Ehb262-2013-spring-hw-02.pdf (file)256 KBAltun 1
18:26, 12 March 2013Ehb262-2013-spring-qz-01.pdf (file)235 KBAltun 1
14:36, 19 February 2013Ehb262-2013-spring-hw-01.pdf (file)290 KBAltun 1
20:53, 11 January 2013Ehb262e-2012-fall-final.pdf (file)165 KBAltun 1
17:03, 27 December 2012Ehb262e-2012-fall-qz-02.pdf (file)154 KBAltun 1
20:49, 22 December 2012Bil101e-2012-fall-syllabus.pptx (file)82 KBAltun 1
17:51, 19 December 2012Ehb262e-2012-fall-hw-04.pdf (file)185 KBAltun 1
16:58, 7 December 2012Ehb262e-2012-fall-hw-03.pdf (file)144 KBAltun 1
16:51, 7 December 2012Ehb262e-2012-fall-midterm.pdf (file)243 KBAltun 1
16:50, 7 December 2012Ehb262e-2012-fall-qz-01.pdf (file)86 KBAltun 1
16:50, 7 December 2012Ehb262e-2012-fall-hw-02.pdf (file)188 KBAltun 1
16:50, 7 December 2012Ehb262e-2012-fall-hw-01.pdf (file)146 KBAltun 1
01:31, 22 October 2012Altun Kuntman Yuksek Basarimli Tumuyle Farksal Akim Modlu Islemsel Kuvvetlendirici COA Tasarimi ve Tum Geciren Suzgec Yapisinda Kullanimi.pdf (file)257 KBAltun 1
01:24, 22 October 2012Sayginer Altun Kuntman Beslemeden Beslemeye Giris Katli Bir CMOS FTFN Tasarimi ve Topraklanmis Enduktans Uygulamasi.pdf (file)135 KBAltun 1
01:16, 22 October 2012Altun Kuntman A Wideband CMOS Current Mode Operational Amplifier and its Use for Band Pass Filter Realization.pdf (file)206 KBAltun 1
00:53, 22 October 2012Altun Kuntman High CMRR Current Mode Operational Amplifier with a Novel Class AB Input Stage.pdf (file)303 KBAltun 1
00:44, 22 October 2012Altun Kuntman A High Drive Fully Differential Current Mode Operational Amplifier Providing High Output Impedance and Filter Application.pdf (file)226 KBAltun 1
00:37, 22 October 2012Sayginer Altun Kuntman A CMOS FTFN Realization with Constant gm Rail to Rail Input Stage.pdf (file)392 KBAltun 1
00:21, 22 October 2012Altun Kuntman Minaei Sayin Realisation of nth Order Current Transfer Function Employing ECCIIs and Application Examples.pdf (file)422 KBAltun 1
00:18, 22 October 2012Altun Kuntman Design of a Fully Differential Current Mode Operational Amplifier with its Filter Applications.pdf (file)284 KBAltun 1
00:10, 22 October 2012Altun Riedel Neuhauser Nanoscale Digital Computation Through Percolation.pdf (file)498 KBAltun 1
23:57, 21 October 2012Altun Riedel Lattice-Based Computation of Boolean Functions.ppt (file)842 KBAltun 1
23:52, 21 October 2012Altun Riedel Lattice-Based Computation of Boolean Functions.pdf (file)310 KBAltun 1
14:36, 20 October 2012PPT.jpg (file)7 KBAltun 1
21:35, 19 October 2012Altun Riedel Neuhauser Nanoscale Digital Computation Through Percolation.ppt (file)1.9 MBAltun 1
21:22, 19 October 2012Altun Riedel Synthesizing Logic with Percolation in Nanoscale Lattices.pdf (file)632 KBAltun 1
20:50, 19 October 2012PDF.png (file)3 KBAltun 1
20:32, 19 October 2012Microsoft PowerPoint Icon.png (file)37 KBAltun 1
20:23, 19 October 2012Altun Riedel Logic Synthesis for Switching Lattices.pdf (file)769 KBAltun 1
17:00, 19 October 2012Website-art-teaching.jpg (file)21 KBAltun 1

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